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iView Labs is a growing IT service company in the space of innovative digital solutions

Have you ever wanted to build your dream website but you just don’t know where to start? Going through the tedious process of learning to code in HTML, CSS and JavaScript can be far too monotonous and time-consuming for most. Even for those with knowledge in coding, a lack of experience with web development scripts could mean their ideal website is still out of reach.

How to Use Webflow to Build No Code Websites?

So, how do businesses go about creating their websites? The most commonly used solution in the market is to hire an external development team. Though an effective solution, hiring developers can be hugely expensive, especially if your business is just starting out. Furthermore, with regular maintenance a necessity for websites, expenses are sure to keep flowing.

But what if there was a way to bring your perfect website to life without the struggle, investment or dev time of any coding? To make this a reality, your ultimate solution is Webflow!

Webflow: Your Dream Website Without Code

Webflow is a sophisticated software-as-a-service tool that allows designers and creative minds to create their ideal websites without the necessity of any code. This all-in-one website design and development solution automatically creates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for users as they use the software.

According to Webflow’s official website, there are over 3.5 million designers and teams that utilize this SaaS solution to collaboratively create and scale beautiful websites in a completely code-free canvas. By providing creators with a blank visual canvas and infinite possibilities, Webflow enables the creation of highly customized and professional webpages. Another prominent feature of Webflow is the ability to host the created interface on any platform with ease, allowing you to quickly transform your creations into fully functional websites.

The Tools of the Trade

Instead of learning multiple coding languages that can take up months or even years of your time, you can construct your perfect website by simply learning the Webflow platform. Here, we take a closer look at some of the tools that make up Webflow.

  • Canvas: This is your completely visible and codeless workspace. With clicks and drags you can start your creation here.

  • Add: The Add panel is very self explanatory; if you want to add a form, a personalized design or blocks of media to your digital interface, you insert it with the Add panel.

  • Style: With the Style panel, you can design and customize the components you’ve just added. Modify assets as you wish to create your interface without any compromises.

  • Pages: The Pages panel allows you to adjust the all-important SEO settings and move between pages.

  • Assets: The Assets panel allows you to upload media files and drop them straight into the interfaces that need them.

Steps to Create Your No-Code Website

Now that we know what Webflow is and the different tools that we have at our disposal to shape a website, let’s dive into the process of creating a no-code interface.

Step 1: Join the Webflow family

It goes without saying, signing up to Webflow is the first step on your code-free website creation journey. Just the free Starter account alone comes with a plethora of fonts, templates and features.

Step 2: Have Content Ready to Go

Before you create your website, it is imperative for you to know what content goes on each page and the overall organization of your interfaces. Building a website around the content you wish to communicate is both smart and effective.

Step 3: Start From Scratch or Pick a Template

Webflow provides users with the choice of starting from a completely blank canvas or building up from an already existing template. Even for those with little designing experience, creating a website is made super simple!

Step 4: Learn the Interface

Before building the website of your dreams, it is crucial to learn the ins and outs of the Webflow interface to maximize your abilities. Take some time to study the platform before venturing out into your creative journey.

Step 5: Add, Design, Update

After you learn what Webflow has to offer, you’re ready to begin. Add templates, fonts, formats and files to your webpage, style them out according to your requirements and update them whenever necessary.

Step 6: Test the Possibilities

Once you get a hang of it, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with your ideas to design and deploy an innovative and sophisticated website.

In Conclusion

At iView Labs, we believe in the power of technology to provide a platform for creators and innovators to showcase their talents. This largely coincides with the fundamental ideology behind the no-code movement, that technology should empower creative minds to achieve greater heights without an entry barrier.

With knowledge of code acting as a necessary requirement for a highly creative process such as digital interface designing, many innovators never see their creative visions come to fruition. This is where Webflow serves as the ideal one-stop-shop solution for designers wishing to build websites without compromising on their vision and also without the need of any coding.

To know more about iView Labs, kindly log on to our website and to get in touch with us with your queries and needs just write us an email on and Download the latest portfolio to see our work.

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iView Labs

iView Labs is a growing IT service company in the space of innovative digital solutions





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