Ogattu, the world's largest riddle-based vocabulary site, offering over 70,000 riddles in various categories. Named after the Kannada word for riddles, Ogattu challenges your mind, expands your vocabulary, and provides endless entertainment for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages.
iView Labs, a pioneering force in digital experience creation, has contributed significantly to Ogattu evolution. Their expertise is evident in the meticulously crafted A-Z Riddles page, the intuitive Upload Riddles feature, and the thoughtfully designed homepage interface.
Each element enhances user experience by combining aesthetic appeal with practical usability, making Ogattu a premier destination for enthusiasts of brain teasers worldwide.
Technical Implementation
Integrated Script Development: We Develop scripts using Wix's API and Corvid by Wix to enhance functionality seamlessly within the editor environment.
Riddle Mapping and Conversion: We Create a robust parsing algorithm to extract and convert riddles from docx files into structured JSON or database entries, ensuring accuracy and integration ease.
Aesthetic and Functional Design Balance: Collaborate closely with UI/UX designers to balance aesthetic appeal with intuitive navigation and usability, ensuring a seamless user interface.
Large Collection
Multiple Categories
Regular Updates
Entertainment for All Ages
User-Friendly Interface
Project Details
Team Size: 2 Members
Project Duration: 1 Weeks
Company Domain: Game Platform
Company Location: India
Tech Stacks