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iView Labs is a growing IT service company in the space of innovative digital solutions

4 Myths of IT Product Development Outsourcing that you need to let go of

For a long time, India was the most preferred outsourcing hub for businesses in the field of information technology. Several technical, as well as nontechnical persons, have written about the benefits of outsourcing and how it is useful for firms small and big alike. Business size apart, there are certain common myths around IT outsourcing that either stop people from taking full advantage of this possibility or make them take its benefits for granted. Today, we talk about some of the around this business strategy and how they can be rectified.


Myth #1: Control is not needed or will be compromised: More than control, collaboration is of upmost importance between the vendor and service provider. Transparent and continuous communication can lead to mutually rewarding opportunities and satisfactory results for the business as well as its customers through this partnership.

Myth #2: Collaboration with an IT outsourcing vendor would be a challenge: challenges are there in all businesses. No business is challenge free. While there are aspects such as time differences, language barriers, and cultural variances, when handled with a transparent attitude, open communication, and positive collaboration, it leads to good planning and implementation for strong and mutually rewarding results.

Myth #3: IT Outsourcing is time-consuming: With an opportunity to allocate work to the outsourcing service providers, your business can save up on time, important human resources and can free up a large part of mundane business responsibilities thereby leading to the possibility of attention being given to more value-based tasks.

Myth #4: Too Costly: The general perception is that IT outsourcing can get more expensive. However, in most cases it is not only cheaper but also more cost saving through as it can reduce labour costs and other operating costs for the business.

Advantages of outsourcing are many and so are its challenges. The key is to have a clear, concrete and measurable Service Level Agreement (SLA) or contract between the business and the service provider to ensure that the committed service levels can be monitored, mutually supported, concretely measured and efficiently delivered for an effective partnership.

If you are looking for an outsourcing partner, contact us. Send us your requirements on


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iView Labs

iView Labs is a growing IT service company in the space of innovative digital solutions





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